Hi from MadDi (who BTW has worked in Information Technology for more than 40 years) but still does not do the digi stuff!!!
When I wanted a new banner for our blog, guess what, I wanted to try and make it! The new banner caused so much discussion on our forum with all the creative girls providing great feedback. I
started with this sort of idea - the banner I made as a practice for my blog:
Here is some of the HUGE discussion we had....
"Hi girls.oh I wish Andrea was here. We need a new banner that better denotes what we do. So something crafty maybe with lots of stuff - a layout some crochet some decor and a cake!"
"Yes I think we need a mosaic type banner!"
"I like that idea and maybe if it was in a frame type of effect or edging"
"It's really looking awesome! Did you try different fonts??"
"here is another font - papyrus"
LOL - believe me you get LOADS of ideas from the cReative gIRls!!!!
Making the banner: Now I am sure there are loads of ways to make a banner, but this is what I did.
Firstly the theme: We wanted our banner to reflect what IACW does - everything! So I went throught our blog and collected loads of images. Where necessary I cropped them. I selected different shape photographs - some square some portrait and some landscape.
Then the layout: I used Microsoft Digital Image Suite Editor and created a 'project' - a flyer.
I then dragged the photographs on to the 'project', reduced their size (carefully) and moved them around untill I had the right layout.. This took quite a few attempts!
I then added some text and played with loads of different colours AND fonts.
So we had LOTS of versions - here are a few:
We changed the font and the colour:
We changed the size of some images:
And we created a border:
You will see on the blog shortly what we ended up with!
OK it's our first attempt! But If I can do it believe me anyone can
Have fun playing with your computer and your photographs
Thanks for visiting IACW and have fun CREATING.
MadDi X