Hello, Eleanor here, and I'm here with my everlasting paper chain, ready to party. We will be enjoying Jubilee celebrations up here in the Scottish Highlands with a fun day at the Loch, and I wanted to make something from fabric, yes fabric, now there's a surprise!
Do you remember I made red white and blue bunting a few years ago:
and also trimmed a skirt with mini bunting:
Well, time for something different, so I made a red white and blue paper chain. Except I made it from material, so that I can bring it out again and again.
I started with strips of fabric, ideal for using scraps - at the time when the Queen was crowned there was much make do and mend still going on, rationing was still in place and everything was used and re-used.
I folded each strip down the length, and stitched all the way around.
For speed you could just stitch the one long raw edged side. Fraying is good, in fact, fraying is desirable, so if you like the well worn shabby look, pop each strip in the washer and dryer when you've finished them.
Next I tried out the buttonhole foot on my sewing machine, and was very pleased with the result.
(but ideas for non buttoned strips follow below)
Finally I sewed on a button,
buttoned up my chain,
and stored it safely in a cloth bag, waiting for its outing this coming weekend.
Think it would take too long? No problem, try one of these alternatives:
1. Sew on light plastic poppers
2. Or velcro dots
3. Or a loop and a button
4. Or ribbon at both ends to tie together
or even
5. Simply stitch each strip to itself to close the circle as you add it to the long length (not a choice for me, as I want to be able to switch out the blue for green and use my everlasting FABRIC paper chain at Christmas time).
As it is the Diamond Jubilee, I've made 60 strips!
And unlike 'PAPER' paper chains, if a playful puss cat pulls it down,
it's not spoilt, you can simply hang it back up.
That Mango is such a funny boy, I lay down with him for a while and we looked up at my chain (which admittedly looks tiny strung on that enormous tree, but it will be hung round my front door, and is more than long enough for that!)
Think it's too much effort? Take this short cut, and you'll make 60 in one hour:
However you are spending this long weekend, have a wonderful time.
I made the fabric page below for a round robin a few years ago.
It's fantastic :)
Posted by: Katherine | May 30, 2012 at 08:07 AM
I love the idea of everlasting paperchains!!! I'm going to get started on a christmas batch :)
And the crown is fab, you'll have to share the makings of it one day, pretty please? x
Posted by: Leanne | May 30, 2012 at 08:21 AM
Clever Eleanor! Hope you are going towear your pretty skirt to the party. Hoping my parcel maycome today.
Posted by: Catriona | May 30, 2012 at 08:52 AM
Oh so am I hoping Catriona, it's been 6 days on its way first class! Hope it's not a disappointment when it arrives! Let me know.
Posted by: Eleanor | May 30, 2012 at 10:59 AM
as always your stitchery is beautiful! Beautiful crown page too.
Posted by: Doda | May 30, 2012 at 01:53 PM
Eleanor love the bunting, great post. That crown is fabulous.
Have fun, hugs Erika.
Posted by: Erika | May 30, 2012 at 07:06 PM
Oh my I love the everlasting paper chain and that crown is awesome
Love the patriotic skirt too
Posted by: Scrapdolly | May 31, 2012 at 07:16 AM
A fabric paper chain is on my ever growing list of things to make.
Fabulous post and I really love the crown too x
Posted by: Debbie | June 01, 2012 at 07:02 AM
Gorgeous work E! I adore the things you can do to a skirt.
Posted by: ifa | June 06, 2012 at 03:58 PM
I love the crown fabric page it is stunning.
Great idea fabric paper chains love these & you can have them any size you wish...good for the environment too :)
Posted by: jayne | June 11, 2012 at 11:12 AM