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November 19, 2008


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love the colour of this vase,


Ok, remember that I am from the USA. That park sign, what if it was an american kid? Or what if it was a african american born in europe? I know silly but that is the way my mind thinks.
Looks like you had a great time.
Great italian shot!


Hello, I'm a first time visitor to your blog.

Just wanted to say a big Thank You for taking the time to come & visit my blog & leave me a comment.

Beautiful vase. x

The park sign brought tears to my eyes.

Have a lovely day.


Love the Italian vase. Great shots of you with your friend both looking very funky :)

chris t

Lovely shots Di! Especially like the one of the 2 little girls. glad you had a nice break - loved Cape town when we visited last year


Very, very pretty!!!


Great pictures, so fun and colourful looking, love your vase too xxx

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